Friday, March 30, 2012

Villas and Gardens

Today was our field trip with Marco to two villas in the Viterbo area. It was good to have a whole day filled with gardens and more focused on landscapey things.

Palazzo Farnese in the town of Caprarola. Home to the Farnese family. (Ya it's shaped like a pentagon)

The central axial road that leads to the Villa.

Circular courtyard inside a pentagonal villa?

Most amazing spiral grand staircase I've ever seen!

Inside one of the loggia/porches that used to be open to the outside

A huge ceiling mural painted with the constellations

The Villa's park

And on to the beautiful gardens!

The famous fountain that runs down the center of a flight of stairs and connects two terraces.

More cool terraced fountains

The upper garden

Cool mosaic of river rocks in the shape of the Farnese family crest


The town of Caprarola

And then on to Villa Lante in Bangnaia!

Marco made us go through the gardens in a certain order so we had to climb all the way to the top, to the fountain of wild nature, and then walk back down - the journey from wildness to man taming nature.

Fountain of the dolphins

another sweet fountain that cascades down the stairs. It's the original Dreiseitl (a landscape architect who studies the physical forms of moving water and owns the firm that I've been dying to get an internship at!)

View down into the lower gardens

And finally into the parterres that represent man's control over nature.

And finally Angela and I doing the sorority pose at the square fountain with the circular center (something about the symbolism of man and god).

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