Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fake Patty's Day in Italy

There's no better way to celebrate Fake Patty's Day in Italy that to have my first rotisserie chicken experience! (Complete with amazing fried zucchini too!)

There was a big political conference in Orvieto. Apparently the President of Italy was here, or at least his people were here. So of course the conference was in the conference center, which is in the Piazza I live in. So there were a bunch of TV vans parked in front of our door since Thursday. I might have accidentally walked into a few frames while they were reporting too... oops.

But this is usually where Market happens on Thursdays and Saturdays, so market was moved to Piazza Cahen today. And this is our first Saturday in Orvieto in a long time, which means we can get delicious rotisserie chickens from the chicken guy who only comes on Saturdays.

So of course we each got a whole chicken for ourselves in the morning and then proceeded to "celebrate" Fake Patty's day together. Drinkin and eatin chicken. What a terrific day!

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