Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Travel day and settling in

Well after a 5am flight out of KC (which was further delayed because a monitor on the plane broke), a 5 hour layover in DC (where we fed the rogue bird in the airport and played 20 questions), an 8 hour flight to Rome (hardly getting any sleep), luggage getting, passport checking, customs (or maybe not), bus waiting, bus loading, bus riding, suitcase hauling across medieval cobblestones... WE ARE FINALLY IN ORVIETO! And it is magnificent!

I have been looking forward to this since trip since sophomore year of high school when I went to a college fair and the reps spoke of the study abroad K-State does in the spring semester of your fourth year. Well here it is. No matter how many pictures I've seen, and tales I've heard, being here and seeing it all is so fantastically different.

We were shown to our apartment (my roommates are Angela, Kylie, and Jen). It's quite the humble place but after rearranging some furniture, we'll have lots of room for activities! We're right on the Piazza del Popollo which is where the thursday/saturday market is. Which means it'll be great for getting fresh groceries and meeting lots of Italians as we hang out in the piazza. The best gelatto place (we've heard, although we'll be the judges of that) is also in the piazza and I think a good bar.

We then had a welcome lunch at Vincaffe with a terrific spread done by a local butcher. Good meats, cheese, soup, and wine of course. And now we're having some down time because I think we've been up for some two days... but I'm too out of it to tell. Although the shot of Italian espresso at lunch really got me back up and moving.

I'll try to post some pictures, but they turned all of my websites into Italian, and seeing as we don't know a lot of Italian.... echem... I'm not sure what is all going on. Lots of love from Orvieto and more random blogging to come!

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