Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some pictures finally!

The beautiful Umbrian countryside surrounding Orvieto

Our school (Centro Studi)

It's official! That's us... we're here... in Orvieto... for 4 months...

Ya... that's the view we have on our way to school... INCREDIBLE!

The Duomo, it took 300 years to build, and you can't understand the scale of this thing unless you're standing next to it. And our school is in that same piazza, 50 ft from this spectacular site!

A look into a typical local Italian street and the buildings.

 Now that's a hilltown!

The trail down there is the Rupe, which I run on most mornings. It's only 5km but the hills are beastly! You have to get up and down that mountain, so you can only imagine...

The beautiful countryside down in the valley. Olive orchards pictured here

Swan Lake at the Mancinelli Theatre in Orvieto

Market day on thursdays and saturdays. I wish we could shop like this in the states all the time. That's our apartment in the building on the right, quite the location!

The funiculare tracks (the tram that goes down the hill to the valley)

Etruscan tombs. It's incredible that these ancient sites are just sitting around Orvieto, just part of the everyday life, no biggie right?

There's only one way to get up and down, to and from Orvieto: the difficult way! I run these as part of my morning run, they give Red Rocks a run for their money :)

Sunset in the valley

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